Scopus AI webinar “Your most asked questions answered”






Dear university instructors and students!

Please be aware about upcoming Scopus AI webinar! You can register for one of two sessions.
In each session, an expert panel will answer the most pressing questions and offer insights on generative AI (GenAI) and Scopus AI.

Webinar highlights:
– FAQs answered: Get answers to frequently asked questions from your peers about GenAI tools
Top insights: Discover the key takeaways from our previous Scopus AI webinars
Practical tools and guidance: Learn how to leverage GenAI to support your research journey

There will hold two sessions to accommodate different time zones. The agenda is the same for each session.

Session 1:
Date: Tuesday, 30 July 2024
Time: 13:00 – Astana time

Register for Session 1: link

Session 2:
Date: Tuesday, 30 July 2024
Time: 9:00PM – Astana time

Register for Session 2: link

Publication date: 25.07.2024

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